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Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. If you have a digital license for Windows 10 Pro, and Windows 10 Home is currently activated on your device, you'll see one of two messages when you select Go to Microsoft Store: If you see Install, select the button to install Windows 10 Pro. If you see Buy, you may need to purchase a Windows 10 Pro license. Or, try to sign in to Microsoft Store with the Microsoft account that was used to purchase the Pro license.
Businesses are finding they need an added layer of security and manageability as their company moves to remote work. Windows 10 Pro adds several advanced features, including Azure Active Directory, Domain Join, Windows Information Protection 1, BitLocker 2, Remote desktop 3 and a suite of tools designed for business use. 让我们了解一下 Windows 10 专业工作站版的主要优势: 快速处理高要求的工作负载和文件传输. Windows 10 专业工作站版通过持久性内存 1 (也称为非易失性内存或 NVDIMM-N)支持设备,因此你可以在工作站上以最快的数据存储速度高速处理高级工作负载。此外,持久 微软中国官网商城Office下载, 最新版Office 2019包括正版Office办公套件,选择适合个人,家庭和企业的Office 2019版本,更享云端服务.支持Windows和Mac, 满足您全部办公需求 打开命令运行框,用win+r就可以打开,然后输入HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/14.0/Word/Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1,按回车就可以了。. 3、Office2010支持64位 Office2016官方下载免费完整版支持Windows 7、Windows 8和Windows 10 PC、笔记本和平板电脑。 用户必须首先卸载Office 2013。 两个版本无法同时安装。 Windows 10 Pro (電子下載版) | Microsoft 特約網上商店. 所有產品 Windows Windows 10 Pro (電子下載版) 使用 Windows 10 Pro,就如擁有出色的業務合作伙伴。. 它具有 Windows 10 家用版的所有功能,還有加密、遠端登入、建立虛擬機器等重要的業務功能。. 更快啟動、已擴展的 [開始] 功能表依然熟悉,以及取得全新方式完成工作,更有多項創新功能,如為線上操作而設的全新瀏覽器和更加個人